
Please consider donating to ensure these families receive the necessary services to minimize parental conflict and safeguard childhoods. All donations are tax deductible, and are collected by our fiscal sponsor Kansas Alliance for Nonprofits, Inc.

Donations will go to:

  • Donating $20.00 provides one safe, conflict free, supervised exchange
  • Donating $65.00 provides one supervised parenting time session
  • Donating $110.00 provides one child participation in our children’s support group, Lokahi
  • Donating $125.00 provides one therapy session
  • Donating $250.00 provides one coaching session
  • Donating $1,600.00 provides one parent participation in our co-parenting program, BeH20

The Layne Project acknowledges the financial hardships caused to families receiving court involved services both past and present. Although we cannot resolve past financial hardships our hope is these new efforts will minimize future financial hardship.