Helped me personally and with other family relationships.
Testimonial Category: co-parent
When we ordered to do it, I thought it was going to be a scam. I’m glad to say I was very wrong. Thank you for a future with less conflict.
I gained so much from this program. I cannot put into words how grateful I am.
Keep doing this because uncomfortable situations make humans grow.
This has been the best thing for my relationship with not only my ex but my daughter. I will never forget this.
Endless gratitude for helping me make my boundaries stronger and understand change is within myself I am so very grateful for what [BeH2O] helped us accomplish. [BeH2O] set us on a new course and gave us the tools and confidence to do this.
Showed me that having a business like relationship with my co parent will allow my daughter the best of both worlds without any conflict.
Turning the co-parenting relationship into a business relationship is the best idea. It keeps emotions and personal influences out of situations that can get out of hand quickly when anything personal is introduced.
The entire program was great and extremely helpful in all aspects of bringing things together and better for our child.
I came out of the program with better understanding on how to co parent better. My Heart is calmer and my thoughts are more clear.